Why write this blog?

I am writing this blog because when I started to investigate the world of Comenius Projects I found almost nothing that was of any use to me in starting up my own project. Since then things have improved a lot but I would like to think that anyone that finds and reads this blog will get a lot out of it and will be encouraged to participate in their own project. Here I am recording all the steps I take and all the ups and down I experience, the honest unvarnished reality.

If anyone would like to contact me to talk further about comenius projects please don't hesitate to do so.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Visit to Greece coming up

I am now well into finalising the plans for Greece, no real problems there, but there have been a few notable things that have happened.

Firstly the fact that Sweden and Italy are not staying with the rest of us in the same hotel. They won't even be in Greece for all the planned days of the project. The final details I haven't had but it appears that they will both be there for a shorter time period because, in the case of Sweden money, and in the case of Italy because the children's parents don't want them to be out of the country for so long.

To be honest I have to say this simply beggars belief,

The Swedes have always said that in Sweden they are obliged to pay for absolutely everything, that they can't ask their students to supplement their trips at all. So they have to be very careful about money and what they spend it on. Yet some of the things they have done bely this completely. Italy on the other hand are just being ridiculous.

The second thing that has happened and has surprised me is homegrown. I have found myself in the situation where two of my students, batxillerat students, have got themselves in trouble at school. One was expelled from school briefly and is now not in a position where she can take part in any school activity until she apologises for her behaviour, and even then it is doubtful. The other case is that of one lad who has now accumulated four "fulls d'incidencies". Three is the limit and so technically he was also off the project. Since I found this out he has had a stern talking to and has had the common sense to talk to whom he needed to talk to and now has only three, and can go.

Both of them show an unbelievable disregard for the consequences of their actions and a remarkable lack of the maturity I would say is needed for studying at the level of Batxillerat.

Co-ordinators beware, there are real idiots out there who will, happily, look a gift horse in the mouth.

I can only hope that if I am fortunate enough to be able to do another project then it will be more well known in school and I will not have to accept all the students who come forward but will be able to choose.