Why write this blog?

I am writing this blog because when I started to investigate the world of Comenius Projects I found almost nothing that was of any use to me in starting up my own project. Since then things have improved a lot but I would like to think that anyone that finds and reads this blog will get a lot out of it and will be encouraged to participate in their own project. Here I am recording all the steps I take and all the ups and down I experience, the honest unvarnished reality.

If anyone would like to contact me to talk further about comenius projects please don't hesitate to do so.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Not quite the end of our coordinator

Yesterday I was able to chat to Dominika via the Facebook chat facility that they have introduced. She has told me that whilst she is determined to change schools at least, if not give up teaching altogether, this won't be for at least a year. It seems that she has been in the same school for the last ten years and wants a change. However at the moment she has a group that she likes a lot and wants to take them through to the end of their time at least.

When I asked her about the project and what would happen to it, if there is someone else in the school who would run it, she said that if we get the project she would probably stay in the school the next two years to see the project through to the end. This is a relief as we now don't have to look for a new coordinator although perhaps it is a lost opportunity as the responsibility would have come to me and perhaps it would have been a good chance to get some experience in directing a project such as this. Still it is early days and there is a lot of time ahead in which I can run my own project.

The really good thing is that we won't have to look for a new place for the first project visit.

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