Why write this blog?

I am writing this blog because when I started to investigate the world of Comenius Projects I found almost nothing that was of any use to me in starting up my own project. Since then things have improved a lot but I would like to think that anyone that finds and reads this blog will get a lot out of it and will be encouraged to participate in their own project. Here I am recording all the steps I take and all the ups and down I experience, the honest unvarnished reality.

If anyone would like to contact me to talk further about comenius projects please don't hesitate to do so.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

News from Poland

Today I have just received a mail from Dominika Owsiany in Poland. She is replying to my mail in which I said we wanted to be a part of the project she is organising.

In her mail she has said that she is delighted to have found a school in Spain to take part in her project. The idea of the project is for 15-19 year olds who will get to know their peers from other countries via certain activities that will include, CDs, posters etc. There will also be student exchanges involved and will probably centre on issues such as culture and stereotypes.

They had a preparatory visit organised for the 6 or 7th of January but that now she will have to postpone that as her friend in the partner school in Malta is changing schools and as a result will not be able to go ahead with the project. She has mentioned that it might be a good idea to have the preparatory meeting here in Spain, if I agree, but that either way we will have to hurry or if not we will not get the applications in in time to receive the grants for the trip. We will have to hurry all round anyway as apparently the completed application has a deadline of February 15th

I think that I will probably accept her idea and offer to host the preparatory meeting as this will be a good way to assure that the whole thing goes ahead and that we are included and reduce the possibilities of us not finding any project for this year.

She says she is waiting to hear from schools in Cyprus, Greece and Lithuania but that she already has some partners. Apparently she has already completed two Comenius projects in her school and has an exchange with a Dutch school that has been running for the last four years.

It would seem we have finally fallen on our feet and discovered someone competent with emperience who will act as a good coordinator.

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